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Sponsorship Information

PLATINUM $2500 (8 players and naming rights)

This exclusive sponsor will have their name at the top of the program and prominently displayed throughout the course. This sponsorship includes eight players.

GOLD $1000 (4 players)

This premier sponsorship dedicates one hole to the sponsor and includes four players and one hole sign.

SILVER $600 (2 players)

This sponsor level provides one hole co-sponsorship and includes two players and one hole sign placed at the tee.

BRONZE $400 (1 player)

The bronze sponsor level provides one hole co-sponsorship and includes one player and one sign at the tee.

HOLE $100

This sponsorship level provides one hole sign placed at holes throughout the course.

Ball Ground Lions Club, Inc. and Woodstock Lions Club Foundation, Inc. are 501(c)3 organizations.

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