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We are seeking sponsors and vendors who are interested in participating in this event. The event will be hosted at His Hands Church Parking Lot Located in Woodstock GA.


This event would provide your business an opportunity to showcase your services/products and sell to the public arts, and crafts, and generate more customers. The event will be advertised throughout metro Atlanta through newspapers, TV, and Radio channels. The event is expected to attract 5000 visitors.


This event will feature Children’s Activities, food, Art, Craft, live music programs throughout the day which will be provided by local artists. To participate select the activity sponsorship level and return the completed form with your payment or donation.  If you cannot participate you can consider providing a Gift Certificate or Gift basket we can use as a door prize. 


Any Funds collected will be used by Woodstock Lions Club to help the uninsured get free Eye checkups and glasses, provide free eye surgeries and hearing aids to the uninsured, help sponsor the blind to summer camps, provide guide dogs for the blind, Sponsor Star Student/Teacher events, Teacher Appreciation events, Eye screening, Disaster aid, and meet other humanitarian community needs in Woodstock.


Please select the appropriate link to register online:


 SPONSOR Online Registration


Art and Craft Vendor Registration (Select this link if you are an art, or craft vendor)




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